09 October 2009

Twice in one Week.

The paper was published today! Im pretty happy because I was featured twice. The first one is for a public opinion poll. Those are fun to take, because I take them while the person is being interviewed. I have to be careful to not get them with a funny face. I used to do that all the time, but I think I am doing better now. I also took the picture of the expert.

Secondly, my photo of the week. I love this photo so much. I was on my way to a dinner party when I took this. I set out early so that I could have time to take a picture. And this one just materialized in front of me. It was great. It honestly felt so magical.

Unfortunately they didn't print it in color, and choose the land scape version. I prefer the portrait version. And the color .. oh like I said .. just magical.

06 October 2009

Cinderella Press

I got a call last Wednesday from Georgia Today asking if I could submit a photo for their section called "Photo of the Week". I was so happy to hear this because they hadn't called me in a while. So even though I was sick, I got myself to the computer and starting shuffling through my library. Since I have been spending a lot of my time working on the production of Cinderella, I decided that that would be the perfect subject. I had to send a lot of hurried emails to the director and producer, but I finally got approval. Not only is this good press for me, but it is good press for the show. I would also like to mention that this is my first photo printed in color in the paper.

For more information on Cinderella, visit Tbilisi Panto.
I would also like to mention, that I am being hired by the paper as a photographer for their new website and to be the primary photographer for Photo of the Week. Soooo there should be many more posts coming this way. Yay! Happy happy happy!